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Tim Stubbs 3rd Grade Name: Mr. Stubbs Hometown: Webster City, Iowa College(s): Iowa Central Community College, Wayne State College, Doane College Current Degree/Diplomas/Special Endorsements: . . .
3rd Grade Math Projects
3rd Graders have completed math projects throughout the year to apply real life problems to concepts they are learning.
Native American Projects
Third Graders presented Native American projects in October. Many students dressed the part and gave a report about their Native American.
Dr. Seuss Day: Green Eggs & Ham
Celebrating Dr. Seuss Day with some green eggs and ham on March 2, 2022.
Winside Fire Department Annual Visit/April 2022
The Winside Volunteer Fire Department visited 3rd Graders once again this year. Thank you Winside Rescue and Fire Volunteers for serving our community!