2023 Elementary Food Drive
The Elementary Student Council helped with the annual food drive again this year to raise donations for the St. Pauls Church in Winside. These donations are used for families who participate in the Backpack Program. If there are items . . .
2023-2024 Elementary Student Council Members
The 2023-2024 Student Council Members (4th-6th). Congratulations to these students!! Here's to a great school year!! Back l-r - Macy Prothman, Brayden Strong, Braelynn Topp, Amalia Sage, Jessa Farran, Corben Krause . . .
End of the Year Activity
The Elementary Student Council put together an end of the year celebration for K-6th grade students. Students came down to the multi-purpose room and enjoyed thirty minutes in which they were able to choose an activity to do. Activities . . .
2022 Elementary Food Drive
Here is the Elementary Student Council all packed in a school van to deliver the food drive donation items to St. Pauls Church in Winside. The items donated are used for families who participate in the Backpack Program at Winside . . .
Veterans Program 2022
The Elementary Student Council enjoyed providing refreshments (cookies, coffee, orange juice & water) to our Veterans and other guests after the program on Thursday, November 10th. Thank you Veterans for your service.
Red Ribbon Week
The Elementary Student Council had a fun time during Red Ribbon Week. They chose the dress up days for the week, judged a door decorating contest and planned some Halloween activities for the Elementary Students. Here are the Elementary . . .
2022-2023 Elementary Student Council Members
The 2022-2023 Student Council Members (4th-6th). Congratulations to these students and we wish them the best year ahead! Back l-r - Allisyn Sellin, Sloane Klabenes, Kianna Rastede, Khloie Fuchs, Brayden Strong . . .
Read Across America
In Honor of National Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss's Birthday (March 2nd), the Elementary Student Council Members were divided up and read to the students in Preschool and Kindergarten. It was fun to watch the younger kids . . .
Elementary Food Drive
The Elementary Student Council would like to thank everyone who donated items for the 2021-2022 Food Drive. The goal for PK-6th grade was 750 items and it was exceeded! The total number of items donated was 1,229! The Student Council did . . .
2021-2022 Elementary Student Council Members
The 2021-2022 Student Council Members (4th-6th). Congratulations to these nine individuals and we are looking forward to a great school year! Back l-r - Bridget Marotz, MaKinley Jensen, Lillian Bargstadt, Aspen Sellin & . . .