Preschool Get Acquainted Night 2023
Please come join us for our Preschool Get Acquainted Night! You will get to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and learn all about Winside Public Preschool!
Preschool Fun!
We have been busy, busy, busy in Preschool this first semester! Poppy's Pumpkin Patch, our Halloween Party, and SO MUCH LEARNING has been making our year fly by so far!
Preschool Roundup Night
Please come join us this Wednesday, February 16th for Preschool Roundup! Feel free to pop in anytime between 6:00 and 7:30 to get your kiddo registered for preschool for this upcoming school year!
Preschool Facebook Page
Preschool has been so busy this first semester! If you would like to see what we have been up to, please visit our facebook page! I uploaded a picture of our facebook cover photo for you to make sure you are in the right spot. :) On our . . .