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Tim Stubbs
3rd Grade
Tim Stubbs image

Mr. Stubbs

Webster City, Iowa

Iowa Central Community College, Wayne State College, Doane College

Current Degree/Diplomas/Special Endorsements:
Bachelor of Arts in Education, Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction

Hobbies/Sports/Special Interests:
I enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy outdoor activities such as walking, going to baseball games in the summer, sprint car races, and traveling. I love the fact that my granddaughters live close by and I get to spend so much time with them.

Please tell us about yourself and your family:
I am married to Karol Stubbs (the second grade teacher) for 34 amazing years. I have a dog named Sadie, two daughters - Korrine and Mallory, and three granddaughters - Savannah, Karoline, and Jacklyn.

What is your philosophy of education?
Every child can succeed!




Phone: Email: Tim StubbsWinside Public School
203 Crawford Ave Winside NE 68790